For Job Seekers

The SCHA helps connect you with job readiness and workforce development programs.

We educate employers on the unique skills and talents justice impacted people may have gained during their incarceration.

The Second Chance Hiring Alliance realizes the difficulties justice impacted people face finding and maintaining employment. We seek to educate employers on these difficulties, while also discussing the unique skills and talents justice impacted people may have gained during their incarceration, such as completing trade skill programs, receiving professional certifications, and participating in pre-release job readiness programs.

If you’re a job seeker, we have provided resources below. You can also review open positions from our members and workforce development opportunities provided by our partners.

Career One Stop

Career One Stop is a job search site to help justice impacted find employment. On this site, justice impacted job seekers will find local resources, second chance hiring employers, and how to communicate with employees about having a conviction.

“Ban the Box”: Fair Criminal Record Screening Act

In 2014, the District of Columbia Council enacted the Fair Criminal Record Screening Amendment Act of 2014 (FCRSA, the Act), which went into effect on December 17, 2014. This law is popularly known as “Ban the Box” and generally, it prohibits employers in the District from inquiring about job applicants’ arrest record, charges, or convictions prior to a conditional offer of employment. Learn more.

Reentry and Employment Resources for Justice-Involved Individuals

The Library of Congress published the Reentry and Employment Resources for Justice-Involved Individuals. This guide provides a wide variety of online and print resources for justice-involved individuals who are incarcerated, or were formerly incarcerated, with starting points that will assist them with their reentry into society.

Swift Hires

Swift Hires is a job search site that lists countless job positions specifically for justice-involved job seekers. This site will find second chance hiring employers locally and in any field one is seeking employment.

Employer Background Checks and Know Your Rights

This article from the Federal Trade Commission “Employer Background Checks and Know Your Rights” provides info for justice-Involved job seekers. This article includes: What Employers Can Ask About Your Background, Background Reporting Companies, Denial Due to Discrimination, and more important information.

Interested in learning more about how SCHA can help you find your career?